Sunday, October 18, 2015

Perspectives: Your Own Views and "The Other Opinion/View"

        The web is important for exposing one to multiple perspectives which is also important for democracy. There are several ways in the real world and in the virtual (internet) world to view multiple perspectives and gain new news. Often times we can be stuck with the notion that if we hang around the same friends, our close or common friends, we will always hear the same things over and over without learning anything new, whereas talking to new people, we can always learn new things. This is also similar to the idea that only computer memories can be accessed whereas human memory (in the brain) cannot be accessed due to the passage of time or some kind of disease. To a certain extent, both of these ideas are true, that talking to the same friends you may not learn new things, however this can be proven otherwise because if you interact with the same group of friends for an additional time, you will learn more news from these friends compared to people you just meet. This is because your friends know what news you are looking for and what you are interested in and they have the advantage to present the news in a more attractive way. Similarly, news from the brain can be retrieved through technology and brain communications can be made to retrieve information as well. 
         Even though it may seem beneficial that retrieving information/news from your peers friends who have up to date news and focusing on information retrieval from a specific source only and focus on that, whether it be a human brain or the computer's memory, it may sometimes be of danger. This was well informed in the TED Talk video which brought up the issue of filtering specific data in and out of the computer system based on user preferences. For instance, Google no longer has a standard format of presenting information in every computer. Based on user preference, internet sites such as Google, Yahoo News, Facebook, etc. lets the user see information based on preferences and the most preferred likes pages they visit. The video addressed how  making a connection with the world is important, which is possible through the internet. However, when there is a shift in how the information is flown around the world and the information is filtered, there is a problem. and it is important to understand how it's flowing. Facebook and google also does invisible algorithmic editing, based on what you click on and searches and it's based on many factors. The problem is that your filter bubble is there for you to only view what you would want to see, but you don't actually see how that filter bubble works. Most importantly, sometimes, the internet keeps us isolated into a web of one, to allow us to see what we want to see, and hinders us from learning what is important. 

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