Saturday, October 17, 2015

PBS- Internet&Social Networking and Their Outcome.

          Issues related to the use of the internet by adolescents exposed viewers to the many dangers and issues adolescents face without realizing. Though the internet can be a great source of rich resources for education and connecting with people locally and internationally, it can also be a source of tremendous danger, especially to youngsters, in their pre-teens and teenage years. The issues raised on PBS gave insight to how adolescents are emotionally struck by the real world and express their feelings in the virtual world which, parents and teachers are not aware of, only their peers are aware of. Also, PBS gave insight to how the internet can be used and abused at the same time, but focusing more on the abuse, which adolescents should be careful about.
          Some of the main issues raised on PBS in regards to the internet were social networking, in which adolescents connect with their peers and other social network users through chat rooms, Facebook, Myspace, and other social network media where their social and personal lives are exposed. In many ways this can be a benefit in which people can keep in touch and know one another, however, this can harm young people where their personal information is easily accessible and can be harmful when accessed by strangers and predators. The internet can be a rich source of knowledge, however, it brings deficiency in knowledge for youngsters when they read summaries off the internet or find shortcuts for doing classwork instead of reading books and doing the assignments to their fullest ability. Lastly, another topic raised on PBS was cyber-bullying in which parents, teachers, and no one else can have access to the written words, the virtual bullying, except for the prey and the predator.  In some occasions, cyber-bullying can lead someone to as far as suicide, and, the internet a source in which methods of suicide can be accessed. These instances in which adolescents are deeply absorbed with social networking and internet show, sometimes how disconnected they are with the real world and the broken link between children and parents. PBS grave insight to the many dangers the internet exposes one to.

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